Saturday, June 26, 2010

Again, a giveaway!!

Follow In Pursuit of Pretty Things - they put together the cutest outfits! - and enter their contest to win a really adorable pocket watch and a $25 Anthro card. What would you buy? I have my eyes on the Looping Lanes belt, but I'm also partial to some of the new fall items!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Even more awesome!

One more contest/giveaway today for the Awesome Meter:

Ashley over at You, Me, & Anthropologie is giving away a $25 Anthro gift card! Head on over and check out her blog; it's one of my favorites! Ashley and I seem to have very similar taste, so I always love her outfits and product reviews!

She asks what you'd spend $500 on at Anthro, and I must say, I could spend that in a snap. Right now, I've become obsessed with the combo of the green, kind of Grecian feel of the Chantico tank and the black and white striped Hello Sunday blazer - one of the guest bloggers at Effortless Anthropologie had it on in her product review. I can't even wait to get off these crutches so I can get back to the mall!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

10 on the Awesome Meter

So guess what's really awesome?? CONTESTS AND GIVEAWAYS!

I love entering giveaways 'round the Anthropologie blogs, as they always offer cute and creative prizes.

First up is a great giveaway over at Kim's blog, Anthroholic. Click here to see the post!
She's featuring a fabulous etsy store, Silver Lining Decor and their cute little baubles. My favorite are the Pink Givre Glass Rhinestone Kidney earrings - I love a pop of color, especially since I just recently got my ears pierced, so I'm trying to add to my collection. If you haven't shopped on etsy, you have to check it out - I got so much great custom stuff for my wedding there. But watch out, it's addictive!!

Next is Tricia's Take, a new blog I've been following lately after I found her and her sister via a great guest post on Effortless Anthropologie. Click here to see her giveaway! Those earrings (again with the earrings) are delicate and adorable. Love 'em, and would love an Anthro gift card! Go follow her blog and her sister's (over at Breakfast at Gigi's) for great fashion advice and some extremely cute outfit ideas.

And there's another giveaway over at growing up anthro, another new blog addiction. She's giving away an Anthro gift card, which I could put toward oh so many things on my wishlist.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome to The Awesome Meter!

Hello and welcome to my new blog, The Awesome Meter!!

In each entry, something will be rated on The Awesome Meter - from 1 (gouge-your-eyes-out terrible) to 10 (keep-your-eyes-intact awesome). Some entries will focus around websites or blogs, others around specific items or shopping finds. You can nominate something for me to rate, too - just leave a comment with any ideas!

Let me tell you a little about myself so that you can understand the kind of things I'll be reviewing.

My name is Jan, and I'm a 27 year old writer living in Los Angeles. I went to film school, so I'm a big movie fan - I like almost all genres, even really cheesy romantic comedies - the more cliche, the better. To supplement my income, I also work HR part-time at a lingerie store. This has yielded more hilarious stories than I could fit in a million blogs. I was also recently married to the world's awesomest fellow.

I am verging on being a shopaholic. I love, love, love shopping, particularly for clothing. My favorite store is currently Anthropologie - give me just about anything from there, and I'll be happy. I did a lot of Internet shopping for my wedding, too, and have gotten quite adept at finding exactly the quirky items I want - you don't even want to know how much I have spent on But we'll get into that later.

Unfortunately, about a month ago, I broke my ankle. I've been laid up with my computer, and you know what that means - Internet shopping. I have, for the past month, scoured sales like there's no tomorrow. There's nothing like being stuck in the apartment, hobbling around and eating Lean Cuisines, but still receiving a new skirt in the mail!

Before we go into reviews, a few things that are unequivocally awesome:

-my mega-cute husband
-In n Out cheeseburgers with grilled onions
-our dog, Wilson, aka world's best dog:
I mean, right??

Things that are not awesome:
-broken ankles
-covering your cast in three garbage bags plus duct tape to take a shower

Looking forward to seeing you around!