The first ones I tried were the Cookies 'n Dough ice cream bars. They are vanilla ice cream topped with a sort of sugary, gooey layer with small lumps of cookie dough, then enrobed in chocolate. The bars are fairly small, but I found them very satisfying for 160 calories. The gooey layer can be a bit gritty - almost like the gooey filling in a pecan pie - but it balances out the vanilla ice cream nicely.
It was a bit harder to find the Salted Caramel Pretzel bars, as they always seemed to be sold out, but I finally located a package. Same calorie/fat content as the Cookies 'n Dough bars. These ones start with the same vanilla ice cream, then a layer of more fluid caramel and a sprinkling of pretzels, enrobed in the same milk chocolate - which is described as a "chocolatey coating," so I guess they can't call it "chocolate." I love the salty/sweet combo. These ones are the same size as the Cookies 'n Dough bars - smallish, but great for an after dinner treat.
Given the choice, I prefer the Salted Caramel Pretzel bars. They're unique, rich, and nicely balance sweet and salty. However, I've had difficulty finding them. I also tried the Weight Watchers equivalent, which are called Ice Cream Candy Bars. It's the same basic deal - vanilla ice cream, a layer of caramel and some peanuts, then enrobed in a milk chocolate coating. They are 4 points plus and 150 calories and 9 grams fat, so very similar to the Skinny Cow bars. However, the WW iteration seems slightly larger, though they may just be longer but less squat. I definitely prefer the Skinny Cow versions - much more decadent and flavorful for the same basic calorie/fat content. The WW ones are much easier to find in stores, though.
I give both the Skinny Cow ice cream bars a 8 on the Awesome Meter. Highly nommable treats without the guilt! Hooray!
While I'm posting, I wanted to link you to this awesome giveaway on Lisa's fun fashion blog, Respect the Shoes - $50 to J. Crew, Zara, or Anthro! I love her blog - lots of fantastic clothes inspiration, as she always looks adorable - and some really great conversation topics, too! Check it out - and just a heads up, Anthro's tag sale starts this Wednesday! You'd better believe I'll be looking for good deals.
*Note - All views are my own. I am not compensated in any way for these reviews - I'm just trying to help you find awesome stuff!