Sunday, December 4, 2011

Giveaway to check out!

I know some of you ladies were as enamored as I was over those dresses I posted from Shabby Apple - so pretty, so demure, so classy!

Well, if you're still drooling over their stuff, head over to Consume or Consumed, one of my favorite blogs, and enter to win a beautiful amethyst-colored dress. Gorgeous and work-appropriate! Well, now that I work from home, my pajamas are work-appropriate... but in my alternate reality, I could wear this dress to my office, where I busily harvest magic from unicorn horns. Yes, that's an office job, and yes, I have to dress up most days, but we do have biz-cas-fri.

Make sure to follow Shabby Apple on Facebook for copious coupon codes! See what I did there? Alliteration, suckas!