Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome to The Awesome Meter!

Hello and welcome to my new blog, The Awesome Meter!!

In each entry, something will be rated on The Awesome Meter - from 1 (gouge-your-eyes-out terrible) to 10 (keep-your-eyes-intact awesome). Some entries will focus around websites or blogs, others around specific items or shopping finds. You can nominate something for me to rate, too - just leave a comment with any ideas!

Let me tell you a little about myself so that you can understand the kind of things I'll be reviewing.

My name is Jan, and I'm a 27 year old writer living in Los Angeles. I went to film school, so I'm a big movie fan - I like almost all genres, even really cheesy romantic comedies - the more cliche, the better. To supplement my income, I also work HR part-time at a lingerie store. This has yielded more hilarious stories than I could fit in a million blogs. I was also recently married to the world's awesomest fellow.

I am verging on being a shopaholic. I love, love, love shopping, particularly for clothing. My favorite store is currently Anthropologie - give me just about anything from there, and I'll be happy. I did a lot of Internet shopping for my wedding, too, and have gotten quite adept at finding exactly the quirky items I want - you don't even want to know how much I have spent on Etsy.com. But we'll get into that later.

Unfortunately, about a month ago, I broke my ankle. I've been laid up with my computer, and you know what that means - Internet shopping. I have, for the past month, scoured sales like there's no tomorrow. There's nothing like being stuck in the apartment, hobbling around and eating Lean Cuisines, but still receiving a new skirt in the mail!

Before we go into reviews, a few things that are unequivocally awesome:

-my mega-cute husband
-In n Out cheeseburgers with grilled onions
-our dog, Wilson, aka world's best dog:
I mean, right??

Things that are not awesome:
-broken ankles
-covering your cast in three garbage bags plus duct tape to take a shower

Looking forward to seeing you around!

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