Monday, February 20, 2012

Awesome Mascara Review

Hi there! Long time, no see! I have a bunch of fun reviews of random awesome things coming up, so stay tuned.

I'm not really a makeup person. I have a few techniques that I use over and over, but never anything complex. My eye makeup routine is particularly simple, mostly because I have sensitive eyes, an I desperately hate touching them. It creeps me out. I use eyeliner extremely rarely, and even so, I can't get close to the waterline, so I just line the corners or above the lashes. I use eyeshadow and brow pencil, and that's usually it... if I'm feeling fancy, I'll put on eyeshadow base.

I've found that one thing makes a big difference in how polished my makeup looks, though: mascara. I've had lots of issues with mascara. I hate fighting to get the waterproof stuff off. My lashes are pretty long, so when I put on mascara and blink, the lashes hit the area below my eyes and make for little black dots and smears. I also tend to get mascara flakes later in the afternoon. Not cute.

Through my Birchbox subscription, I discovered Blinc mascara. This mascara forms small tubes over each individual lash. You have to work fast, because it dries quickly, and you can't really "build" it in layers, but it's basically idiot-proof; just glide it on like normal mascara. It does not clump, which is awesome, because who wants spider eyes? Once it's on, it does not smear or smudge, and it really does stay all day. It's not waterproof, but to remove it, you apply warm water and gently push the tubes off your lashes. It's kind of strange, and it takes a little longer than just washing your face, but it's actually oddly satisfying to take off.

Anyway, this is the only mascara that has really worked for me. I've tried all the drugstore brands as well as fancier ones, but all the non-waterproof formulas smudge too easily; I'm always rubbing my eyes, and I end up raccoon-like by midday. It's also recommended for people who wear contacts. Blinc is an awesome mascara solution, and I give it an 8 on the Awesome Meter!

A quick note on Birchbox: it's a subscription service, and every month you get a box of 4-5 premium beauty samples. It's always packaged very nicely, so it feels like getting a gift each month, and I love surprises. Some months are definitely better than other months. You also get points for reviewing the items you get, buying items in their store, or referring friends, so I've gotten some awesome deals on products I've loved from their boxes - I saved up my points and got the mascara for $4. Plus, free shipping on their monthly picks. I'll review a full box next month!

1 comment:

  1. I use it too, (When I'm not in my super glam Hypnose mascara....stupid transparent lashes), and am head over heals in love with the Blinc eyeliner!
